The Role of Loans and Support to Home Businesses in Making Self-employment and Entrepreneurship (Case study; holders of vocational skills in Mazandaran)

Mohammad Hassan Shaki, Robabe ZAMIRIAN


The purpose of this article is the role of loans and support to home businesses in making self-employment and entrepreneurship. At first, it's been described about loan for home jobs, self-employment and… The purpose of this research is applied and the method is descriptive and data collection is done by library method which the data collection tools are including: receipt, databases, internet, documents and verification form and in the field method the observation has been used. The population is: all of the recipients of the banking facilities for home jobs in 19 vocational and technical education centers in 19 cities in Mazandaran which they are 6232. And the sample is from 6 cities which are 1060. 30 %( percent) of volume of the sample has been selected by multistage cluster compound. The population of backup loan was from 6 cities and because of limitation the census has been used. The method of data analysis was descriptive and inferential. In descriptive method, frequency and frequency percentage, indexes and the central tendency like mean have been used. And in inferential test first chi-square test was used in order to determine the type and evaluate the state of ordinal variables. The result shows that loans for home businesses are effective on self-employment and support loan is effective on entrepreneurship. And at the end; recommendations and guidelines is provided.


home job, loan, self-employed, entrepreneurship, skills, support

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