Innovation Dynamics of Turkish Regions Compared to European Union

Malgorzata Markowska, Andrzej Sokolowski, Danuta Strahl


The main aim of the paper is the evaluation of innovation processes in Turkish regions as compared to NUTS 2 level regions from the EU countries using contemporary dynamic taxonomy tools. It refers to the application of the suggested methodology for innovation processes assessment at regional level in the following areas: profile (input and output) and global area. 8 variables are used and objects (regions) are clustered with Ward’s agglomerative method and k-means method. The composite measure of innovativeness is calculated. The analysis is carried for dynamic data covering 2008-2012 years. The results can be thus evaluated both from the point of the level of innovativeness and its dynamics. We are able to identify regions attracting innovativeness and entrepreneurship. Regions of Turkey are considered in comparison to EU regions.


dynamic cluster analysis, innovations, NUTS 2 regions

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