Correlations Between Quality Characteristics of Dry Bean Genotypes which Produced for Green Bean as a Second Crop



A total of seven (Akman-98, Doruk, Karacaşehir-90, Noyanbey-98, Sarıkız, Horoz, Sarnıç) dry bean genotypes were grown as a second crop in Konya-TURKEY ecological conditions. Field trials were set up according to “Split - Split Plots Experimental Design” with three replications for two years (2010 and 2012). Sowings were made on 15th and 30th of June for both years. Determination of correlations and cluster analysis were made on some of the quality characteristics (pod length, pod width, handle diameter, awn value, straightness of beak, breaking easiness of pod) that are used for green bean. According to the results, the positive correlation value (0,5771) between pod length and pod width was found statistically important (p<0,05). The other correlation values were found as statistically insignificant. Negative and insignificant correlations were observed between pod length and breaking easiness of pod (-0,0122), pod width and awn value (-0,0086), pod width and straightness of beak (-0,0293), pod width and breaking easiness of pod (-0,1254), pod handle diameter and straightness of beak (-0,1902), awn value and straightness of beak (-0,1666), straightness of beak and breaking easiness of pod (-0,1740). Cluster analysis for the mentioned characteristics of the bean genotypes showed 2 main groups and they were diverged 3 sub-groups. Distance of the cluster was ranged from 0.91 to 4.09 values.

Consequently, it is suggestible to consider the mentioned characteristics for the quality of green bean which produced as a second crop from dry bean genotypes.


Dry bean, cluster, correlation, green bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., quality

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