Flouride Removal By Electrocoagulation Process Using Aluminium Electrodes At Acidic Ph Range

Mine Tastaban, Olcay Tünay, N. Isik Kabdasli, Tugba Olmez Hanci


In this paper, experimental studies were conducted for the removal of fluoride by electrocoagulation process using aluminium electrodes and with synthetic samples. The purpose of the study was to investigate the removal potential of fluoride on the electrodes rather than onto the sludge. Fluoride removal via accumulation on the electrode is carried out in the pH range; where solubility of aluminium hydroxide near the optimum pH values. The main parameters were evaluated to find out their impact on the process and to define optimum treatment conditions. Fluoride removal was found to occur between the pH range of 4 to 5. The process efficiency increased with increasing current density up to 10 mA/cm2. The kinetic analysis of the data was employed to assess the effects of the process parameters on the rate of the process. The analysis of the material scraped off the electrodes was made to verify the mechanism of the process.


Aluminium electrode, Electrocoagulation, Fluoride removal

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